[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: Docker install of PAS 12.1 fails with segmentation fault

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response.ini: ; ; DESCRIPTION of Configuration Count ; ; NumberofConfigurations - the number of products being installed. ; [Configuration Count] NumberofConfigurations=1 [Product Configuration 1] name=PSC serial= version=12.1 control= prodname=Progress ProdAS for OE ; ; DESCRIPTION of Java ; ; JavaHome - the root directory where the JRE is installed ; [Java] JavaHome=/opt/java/openjdk ; ; DESCRIPTION of Type and Destination ; ; type - identifies the type of installation. Valid values are COMPLETE and CUSTOM. ; path - identifies the directory in which you install your OpenEdge product software. ; workpath - identifies the directory in which your applications, databases, and log files will reside. ; oem_path - identifies the directory in which you install your Management product software. ; oem_workpath - identifies the directory in which your Management applications, databases, and log files will reside. ; [Type and Destination] type=CUSTOM path=/usr/dlc workpath=/usr/wrk oem_path=/usr/oemgmt oem_workpath=/usr/wrk_oemgmt ; ; DESCRIPTION of Language Default ; ; DefaultLanguage - identifies the language in which PROMSGS appears by default. ; -Valid values are: ; Czech ; Dutch ; English - American ; English - International ; French ; German ; Italian ; Polish ; Portuguese ; Portuguese - Brazilian ; Spanish ; Spanish - Latin ; Swedish ; [Language Default] DefaultLanguage=English - American ; ; DESCRIPTION of Language Choice ; ; lang1, lang2, lang3 ... - Identifies all the PROMSGS languages installed during installation including the default language. ; [Language Choice] lang1=English - American ; ; DESCRIPTION of International Settings ; ; NOTE: For specific information please refer to the intlsets.txt file located at the root level of the cdrom from which this information is derived. ; cpinternal - identifies the -cpinternal and -cpstream values included in the startup.pf file. ; cpcollation - identifies the -cpcoll value included in the startup.pf file. ; cpcase - identifies the -cpcase value included in the startup.pf file. ; dateformat - identifies the -d value included in the startup.pf file. ; numsep - identifies the -numsep value included in the startup.pf file. ; numdec - identifies the -numdec value included in the startup.pf file. ; ; The following is a table of the numbers and the separators they represent: ; 32 - space ; 36 - dollar ; 39 - apostrophe ; 44 - comma ; 46 - period ; [International Settings] cpinternal=UTF-8 cpcollation=Basic cpcase=Basic dateformat=dmy numsep=46 numdec=44 ; ; DESCRIPTION of PacificAppServerPortDetails ; ; nPortHttp - A port for HTTP connections. ; nPortHttps - A port for HTTPS connections. ; nPortShutdown - Port on which the shutdown process will run. ; [PacificAppServerPortDetails] nPortHttp=8810 nPortHttps=8811 nPortShutdown=8812

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