[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Re: Adding A Lookup Button To A...

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Laura Stern

Re: It is not the type of the current class but the type of the custom editor where you want eg. to replace the integer field with a slider: OK. That makes sense as a concept. But I thought this IS the customer editor class. And if it's not this class, why am I seeing that the name in the GetType call is RadPropertyGrid.PropertyGridButtonEditor which is the same as the name of the ABL class that I'm in: RadPropertyGrid.PropertyGridButtonEditor. If PropertyGridButtonEditor is an ABL class, not a .NET class, you can't get a Type for an ABL class via the Helper. Though GetType() on the instance will give you something, since that will call GetType() on the .NET proxy for your ABL class.

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