[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Os-command No-wait | Silent |...

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Maybe I looked at this too long and missing something obvious (hopefully): Windows, OE 11.1 I'm trying to initiate two batch-processes form within progress. The scripts work when run from command-line. When same command is executed via OS-COMMAND it works, too - as long as I don't use either NO-WIAT, NO-CONSOLE, nor SILENT. with SILENT the process simply hangs. with NO-CONSLE the process executes, but the output redirection doesn't redirect. All output is simply lost with NO-WAIT the black box appears, and all output is displayed there and not redirected, thus being lost as well. The command is something like OS-COMMAND VALUE ("python c:\temp\xyz.py > c:\temp\xyz.log 2>&1"). Anybody any ideas how to get this to work? BTW, eventually, this process is going to executed by an app server/webspeed agent. So there is definitely no UI possible. Thank you for any ideas...

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