[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Jsdo Filtering: Nesting Possible?

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Peter Van Dyck

I searched for a while, but I found no posts in which this problem was handled. If I'm mistaken, please refer me to more info on the subject. The main question here is; does the Progress jsdo support nesting in the filters of a read-call, as suggested by the Kendo dataSource filter documentation (without an example, though)? This other article also indicates that it's possible to nest filters, but yet again it doesn't provide an example. I've been testing and working with the jsdo for a while now. I have a standard read module for a table called TypeDescription. It all works fine through the JSDO, I add this filter, for example, to assemble a set of records bound by a set of parent-ID's: { logic: "or", filters: Array[2] } Where Array[2] is: [{field: "ParentTypeDescrID", operator: "eq", value: 123}, {field: "ParentTypeDescrID", operator: "eq", value: 168}] So here I'm selecting the children of 2 main items: 123 and 168. This returns the expected records. But if I want to limit this to a subset with, for example, only the female elements, I would get a nested filter. The filter above would be contained by another filter with an "and" condition. { logic: "and", filters: Array[2] } Where Array[2] is: [{field: "Gender", operator: "eq", value: "female"}, { logic: "or", filters: Array[2] }] The last part would be the original filter with the two parent-ID-objects. If I try to run this nested filter through the "read"-method of the JSDO, it doesn't even try to call the PAS-instance, it just calls the ERROR-method with as parameter "null". Has anybody else tried to use nested filters? Am I doing something wrong? Here's the filter object sent to the read-method (it's the one from my actual call, filtering by language-ID, slightly different, but you get the point):

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