prob. with excel

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i am using the 9.1d version.
during a report generation, some comments are generated which r then copied to excel. now, if we use enter i.e chr(13) as delimiter each comments goes to diffrent row. i want that each comment should start with a new line in same row.
i am fairly new to progress enviornment. i have tried chr(1038) but its not working.
please guide me as to which keycode should i insert between the comments , such that whrn i copy them to excel they come in same row but new line.
i will be grateful for ur time and help.
Thanks for the suggestion.
that will help in a way......i.e. by inserting some space.
but i dont think it is possible to copy the alt + enter( thats the hard carriage return in excel) from progress generated report on to excel.
what i wanted to do was
comment1 + chr(1037) + comment2.
13 for enter, 1025 for alt.
so that when i copy to excel it comes in the same row diffrent line.
but its not working.

I don't know if this suggestion will help but:

Rather than putting alt + enter into the output, put a known character which does not occur "naturally" in the data (say | ).

Have an autoexecute macro in excel which passes through the data and does a find and replace to replace every occurrence of | with chr(1037).
thanks for the response.
Yes, that what i am thinking to do. I think thats the better solution instead of searching for chr(alt + enter).
still if get any clue on inserting the hard carriage return , do reply.
i am thankful for your time and help.
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