Pleas Help Me, Progress V5.2I ^^


New Member
Hi all,

i'm facing a big problem.
A customer of mine is using an old - self written - financial application. The guy who developed it has been retired about 15 years ago and there is no other i can ask.
Now the customer wants to buy a new application and my task is to migrate all data from the old application to the new one.
So far so good.
The old app is based on a Progress V5.2I Database on a SCO Unix. I think it's from 1989.
Unfortunately i have no idea how to connect to this database to write sql statements (i want to get all table data into a csv-file).
i read about a tool called sqlexp, but i didn't find it on the server. I also didn't find an ODBC Driver. Also google is no further help. Does anyone has a few hints for me?

Any help is highly appreciated.

thanks in advance and greetings from germany
try pro/mpro dbname under unux enviroment
then use data dictionary and dump all tables.
Dump format almost the same to csv, except delimiter


New Member

thanks. I tried mpro, but server gave an error message.
it was something like: shared memory is wrong version

tamhas Sponsor
Shared memory wrong version typically means that there is more than one version of Progress on the machine and you are using a different one from that used to run the DB server.


Just to be clear...

Progress version 5 does not support SQL-92.

If version 5 supports any SQL statements at all they would be SQL-89 and they probably don't work very well. You will be bashing your head into a wall trying to use them.

As Maxim & Tamhas have said -- your best bet is to get to the data dictionary and do a "dump" of the data.