payroll and mfg/pro

Hi all,

I want to program a very simple payroll to integrate into mfg/pro but i dont know where i start and how. So I want to get some information from you. does anyone have any ideas about payroll and mfg/pro?

thank in advance!
The easiest used in UK & Ireland is create a salary journal data and load it / enter it at End of the Month. Time / Salary details / pay slip print etc is left with the standard Off the shelf package.
Hi Kishor Chari,

Thank you for your reply, can you explain more clearly? I never program with payroll and dont have any expericence about payroll transaction,

thank in advance!
Ask your pay roll what journal entry they pass to the GL @ end of each month. Get the data in a csv format & CIM it in to 25.13.1.


New Member
Hi there,

We have an excel module for repetitive Journal Entries in QAD, which can be used as payroll entries.

If you prepare spreadsheet with typical journal entries, then all you need to do is copy-paste a block of data to our Excel loader sheet and post to QAD. [this is how you can eliminate manual journal entries as a process or minimize it to bare minimum].

Alternatively, you may download a specific JL reference from previous period to a different sheet in our excel workbook, then copy-paste it to the "loader" sheet and upload to QAD with new reference and new effective date.

For more information please visit


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