Resolved Passing more than one temp-table as parameters, is it possible?

Tracy Hall

New Member
Good Afternoon,

I am working with SAX, I have 3 different XML files that I need to parse into temp-tables.
I have gotten that to work fine.

I want to get all that data together to do stuff with it. I have had issues trying to get just one program to parse more than one file, so if you have suggestions for that, I would love that information too.

The issue I am working on is if you define an input parameter for each table coming in, Progress gets upset giving you the too many input parameters message.

I have everything ready to go and I can't get this to work.

Am I trying to do the impossible? What is the best way to do this?
What about a prodataset? Possibly a dynamic one (i.e. DEF ... PARAM DATASET-HANDLE ...) ?
Maybe if you shared the signature of your call and explained a bit about what you're trying to do? (I get the whole "import XML" thing -- but the issue with passing temp tables has me puzzled...)

Having said that... using a ProDataSet is probably a very good idea. That would allow the number of temp-tables to be arbitrary and would only require one parameter.
I think we need some clarification from the OP here. The title sounds like there are three TT parameters, but the text is unclear on what is being passed in. It is also unclear what the parameter signature is like now. From the text, I would believe that there is a procedure with a single parameter to which the OP is passing three parameters ... and, of course, the AVM thinks this is a problem.
Sorry I was unclear. I have resolved this in a way, but I still would like to understand this better. I am having difficulty understanding how to take data from 3 or 4 different xml files and patch them all together in a graceful way. This company that I am getting data from, they have a file called upsert. it has some extra stuff in it, but the most important part to me is the upc code and their id code. Their id code matches up with their id code in the maid product data. Then the availability of the product comes in another file and it matches up with their id code.

I get confused when I have two separate procedures (parser & callbacks) when using sax and attempting to bring it all together, so I can work with it. That was why I was trying to pass the temp-tables as parameters. I solved the problem for the moment by having sax parsing for each file and outputting it as a csv file and importing it back in as a way to move forward on my task, but I do want to understand the best way to handle that because parsing xml is going to be part of my future.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Did you experiment with converting the XML to TTs? If you can make that work, then I would think the connections would be trivial.