ODBC Problem


ODBC problem
I am trying to connect to a progress db using Merant 3.60 32Bit Progress SQL92 v9.1d ODBC driver, and have come across an ERROR....

[MERANT][ODBC PROGRESS driver][progress]Exceeding permissible number of connections.

Can anybody out there help me with this...





Please provide the following
1. Progress version
2. Database configuration (like the .pf file)
3. Have you connected successfully before or are you in the process of setting it up


Well-Known Member
Plus, you should specify whether you use an enterprise or workgroup database.

My first guess is that you did not configure a secondary login broker for the database which is dedicated to handle the SQL clients. If that's the case you should enter "secondary login broker" into the Progress Knowledge base and you will get some pretty good KB articles explaining why and how you should set up the secondary login broker.

HTH, RealHeavyDude.


Follow the information:

1. 9.1d
2. the pf.file contains (-db sport -ld sport1 -N TCP -S sport -H server-name -Bt 350 -c 30 -nb 200 -s 48 -yy 1950 -d dmy -mmax 8192 -inp 32000 -tok 1600)
3. yes before it's working



Active Member
The user's .pf doesn't really help in this case.

What really is needed:

a) What are the database startup parameters (basically the error is that you've reached the maximum number of users for the database)

b) As RHD said, whether you have Enterprise or Workgroup license (there are limits to the total number of users in Workgroup)



startup parameters are:

-B 500 -L 80000 -N TCP -S sport

User limit are 10 (workgroup license)



Active Member
Workgroup has a limit of -n 65 (if I remember correctly).

I don't see a -n in your database startup, and the default is -n 5.

From my understanding (and this can be corrected if I'm wrong), Progress considers user count to be physical people, not sessions. So if you have 10 people each with 3 sessions open, you could legally have -n 30 in the db startup.

I'd suggest increasing it to something like -n 25 or more. Add the -n 25 to your db startup, then restart the db and see if the error goes away.

Also, as Tom B always mentions, 9.1D is unsupported and ancient. You should seriously consider upgrading to 10.2B (or the latest release your O/S suppports).

one other note - your -B seems awfully low, but that should be a separate thread for tuning.


I adding the -n parameter but same error appears. it's very strange other customers same configuration work properly even without -n par. Do you have any suggestions?


Are you sure of the configuration. -S sport looks like a generic name. Check the port number, if its used for any other database/service name. Check to see if you are using sport service name somewhere else.


Active Member
Are you sure you added the -n to the database startup and not the client startup?

And what do you mean by "other customers same configuration work properly even without -n par." ? This sounds like you added it to the .pf and not the db startup command line.... or you didn't stop the db server and restart after adding the -n. Or perhaps as suggested you're not connecting to the db you think you are? Or "other customers" could mean you have some vendor package you are trying to connect to?


Infact other "customers" means other package. I re-installed workgroup and now work properly.
I have added -n parameter in database startup (-n 30 for 10 people) not in client startup.
Thx for your help Larry.
