ODBC and Function Sequence Error


New Member
Hi Guys,

I have been playing around with SQL on our Progress 9.1C installation at work and I was wondering if anyone can enlighten me as to what a 'Function Sequence Error' is its an intermittent fault that happens every now and again but causes our connection to bomb so I need to resolve it.
The server box is running AIX and I'm connecting from XP if that makes any difference.


first of all sorry for the somewhat none answers.

There is an isue in 9.1C with the maximum number of connections that can be made from one single session. Which results in this error. (P15787)

Furthermore It would be wise to upgrade to at least 9.1E04 (10.1B would be best option) because lots of SQL improvements to the database and available drivers have been made after 9.1C.
Progress hasn't got a history of very well SQL handling of their database......

Thanks for the reply, I have noticed that 9.1C is a little flaky when it comes to SQL.

Whilst we're talking error codes can anyone tell me what
MM- Bad Swap Block
means and how it can be avoided?


Whilst we're talking error codes can anyone tell me what
MM- Bad Swap Block
means and how it can be avoided?

Hi Tom,

There are quite a lot of possible answers to that question, depending on configuration and when the message pops it's ugly head up. If you want to read about those, just go to the Progress Knowledge Base (http://progress.atgnow.com/esprogress/categoryBrowse.do), type "bad swap block" in the "Find answes.... to your problem" field, hit the Find button and all will be revealed to you!

Good luck!
