Answered Number of reading

I think that you are asking about the data per connection that shows current program name and line#?

This is available if you enable the "client statement cache". There are two ways to do that when using ProTop, the * command will turn it on globally (use with caution) and the # command will allow you to specify a specific user.

Or you can enable it directly via PROMON.

Caution: in some situations (mostly old releases) there are memory leaks, permissions problems and potential conflicts that can cause issues if you use this feature carelessly. (To be clear, these are Progress issues -- not ProTop issues.) It can also have a noticeable impact on performance -- especially client/server performance. I do not generally suggest that people turn it on for all users and leave it on permanently (although I know of people who do that successfully). I recommend that you use it when you are looking for a specific problem.

I also suggest that when you turn it on you should almost always use the "single (top of stack)" option. You probably don't really need the full stack and enabling the full stack greatly increases the amount of data collected. Which amplifies the chances for the potential problems described above.
Thanks for the idea of the statement cache with ProTop. I will keep you updated ;)
On-premise portals are available as an extra cost option for paid customers. Usually this is the sort of thing that a very large bank or similar sort of customer might want.
On-premise portals are available as an extra cost option for paid customers. Usually this is the sort of thing that a very large bank or similar sort of customer might want.
Thank you for the answer

So a little update for you all with the tracking work on the number of reading, we have find 2 of our application that where reading all the table every minutes so. Thank you all we have done a great update on our systems.

Update of the "I hate monday".

I really wanna install protop but the IT chief want an internal solution, so I will work with the source to do something.

Thank you @TomBascom for your precious (Stop it Gollum) help.
Point out to your IT chief that, not only will it cost him a lot more to get an internal solution (your time), he will keep paying and paying and paying for future research tasks which would otherwise be free using ProTop. Not using it is silly.
You could leverage 15+ years of development effort by a team of multiple highly experienced OpenEdge DBAs... or you can roll your own...
I, along with many others, can happily vouch for the reliability and security of ProTop if your IT Manager is at all concerned. Please reach out to any of us.
Thanks for your support, I didn't say it was the end of the negociation ;) .

A side question. While reading the source of protop I take interest in "subscribe <-> publish" keywords .

First what is the benefit of this method against a simple procedure file call ?

Second what is a different to have many subscribe procedure inside a *.p file instead of all procedure file ?
ProTop uses PUBLISH and SUBSCRIBE to decouple explicit knowledge of the particular components deployed at any given moment. This allows a lot of the code to be very flexible and easily extensible. For instance, when I deploy a new "data collector" I don't need to worry about programming the display logic to know that it exists. I do not need to know the name of the procedure or anything. I just publish events and interested parties (subscribers) respond to them. If nobody is interested then nothing happens. If someone was waiting to hear that message then they can do what they would like with it. It's like magic :)