Answered New Enterprise Install With Utf-8 Support


A while back I ran into a problem where I kept getting the error below while processing some JSON that includes several non-English characters. Several languages are supported in the JSON

'Unable to convert JSON to native data type for field 'name' in temp-table 'ttregions'. (15363)

I got recommendations from ProgressTalk users who suggested using the startup parameters below which worked in development (OpenEdge 11.1 on Windows)

-cpinternal UTF-8 & -cpstream UTF-8

The production environment is running the Enterprise version of Openedge 11.1 on Windows 2008 server. I cannot use the startup parameters above because they result in the following error

DO NOT CONTINUE. Character set UTF-8 requires DBE PROGRESS. You may corrupt files or databases. (3624)

What is the recommended startup parameters in a production environment to support UTF-8?