Need Advice!


New Member
Ok, I am a php developer that uses a lot of mysql, but knows very little about working with progress databases. I am working with a newspaper that has their subscriber information in a progress database on a red hat server, but they say I probably will not be able to write php pages to connect to it.

They said they have a jdbc driver, but no odbc driver on the server. (In the past, they used "web speed" for the old asp code to connect, but are getting away from it.)

Does all of this sound right? Do I need to request they install an odbc driver so I can connect via php? How hard is that? Should I verifiy with another person to make sure there is no odbc driver available on the red hat progress server?

Also, I dont know if it is a good option to have a bridge of some sort that will allow my php application to use the jdbc driver?



Well-Known Member
What version of Progress you are talking about?

If you are at least on some V9 of Progress everything you need is included in the database license/product.

Maybe that helps:

But you still need to be aware that you need to configure the SQL security and it is absolutely recommended that you setup a secondary login broker dedicated to the SQL clients.
Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.