My BI file was broken


Dear all,

I have a problem for progress database. My version is 8.3.

Today, when I do some tr_hist delete and archive, the server was down.
when I restart it, the system told me cannot open database. I checked with database, the reason is BI file was broken.
I try to solve it with proutil -C truncate bi, but system pop-up error message to say program error.

I didnot want to lost the data of today, so I have not to restore the database yesterday.
someone told me the bi file may could be delete or rebuild. I am not sure.

so, if you know how to do, please tell me .

thank you very much.

If the before image is broken then your database is broken - it is an essential part of the database. The only way to recover is to restore your last good backup and roll your after image forward. You do have after image enabled, do you?

By the way, 8.3 is stone age software, dating back to the beginning of the '90s of the last century ...

Bottom line: If you don't have a backup you are pretty much hosed.
But, you can try to rescue as much data as possible although there is no guarantee that this data is consistent: If the before image is missing then you can create an empty file with the name and try to truncate the before image with the -F option, access the database and dump out the data. Remember: This is absolutely the last resort and there is no guarantee that you have not lost data. How much depends on what happened when the before image file was lost.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.
Thank you very much. I choose the faster way -- restore the database with last backup.

Thank you very much.

Have you decided to implement after-imaging?

Now that you have been through the pain of losing a days work the benefits should be clear.