multiple sales reps allowed?


New Member
Hi all, I am new here to the forum. Does NxTrend allow you to enter multiple sales rep names in the customer setup? for example; we have multiple divisions that sell different product catagories. Ideally, I would like to run a sales manager report that would give me all of John Doe's sales for the products he sells. any help would be awesome. if there is a different way of acheiving a similar goal, please let em know. Thanks
Nope, well, yes and no. It's in ARSC and you can enter inbound and outbound sales rep. We use those to differentiate Computer products salesreps from sse sales reps. But you can't enter more than one of each. Check out your account in ARSC, one of the pages. You'll see what I mean.

Also, the sales rep is tied to the order and the lines on the order, so they could run a report that way as well.
Hi Admiral, yes you can.
SX.e allows two sales reps to be added to each Customer record ("ARSC" records in the database). These fields are labeled "Outside Sales Rep" and "Inside Sales Rep". If those are not terms used in your business think of them like this:
Outside Sales Rep = Sr. Sales Rep, Executive Sales Rep, Account "Owner", regional Sales Rep/Manager
Inside Sales Rep = Jr. Sales Rep, Sales Clerk, local Sales Rep

Once you have these Sales Reps set up on each Customer, if you need more complexity you can add in additional "Customer Ship To" records. These records are intended to take into account customers who have multiple locations for orders to be shipped/delivered to... And these "Ship To" records can have their own Inside and Outside Sales Reps, separate from those set up on the main "Customer" record.

Once you have this detail built, you can then set up Commission records based upon the compensation plans you have for your Sales force, that can tie in specific commission rates for different types of products.

Hope this helps with you question. If not, let me know and I'll slow down and try not to rush the answer.

(303) 819-5936