Monitoring ODBC connections to Progress DB


New Member
We are having some issues with crystal reports connecting to our database via ODBC and I think it would be helpful to monitor these connections to the database as they occur. Is there a tool to monitor client odbc connections to OpenEdge 10.1B Database?

Thanx in advance!

BTW: We are running OpenEdge 10.1BSP3 on a Windows box
Thanx for the reply!

This is very helpful for tracing client ODBC operations of the client, from the client but does not get to the center of my issue.

Perhaps I was not clear in my explaination: I need to be able to trace all ODBC connections on the server, from the server.

Thanx again!

Ignore this post, I just noticed you're server is on a Windows box

I'm assuming your server is Unix? If so, the Progress Knowledge base P5815 may help.

ID: P5815
Title: "How to turn on ODBC tracing on UNIX?"
Created: 08/05/2002 Last Modified: 06/05/2007 Status: Verified
WME('Goals: ');

How to turn on ODBC tracing on UNIX?
WME('Goals: '); How to generate an ODBC trace file on UNIX?
WME('Goals: '); How to enable ODBC Tracing on UNIX
WME('Facts: ');

Progress 9.x
WME('Facts: '); OpenEdge 10.x
WME('Facts: '); UNIX

WME('Fixes: ');

Usually, ODBC drivers on windows are used to connect an ODBC application on windows to a local or remote database. But sometimes, an UNIX ODBC application such as PHP can use ODBC drivers on UNIX to connect to a local or remote database. Under such circumstances, ODBC tracing can be used in troubleshooting connection problems.

Following steps demonstrate how to set ODBC tracing on UNIX, it assumes you have at least client networking installed on UNIX which has ODBC driver for UNIX shipped with it.

Set the Trace option value under the ODBC section in the $DLC/odbc/odbc.ini file to 1 so that ODBC API calls are outputted to an ODBC trace log file, which is specified by the TraceFile option. Example:

UseCursorLib=0 WME('Notes: ');

References to Written Documentation:
Progress Solutions:
P21252, How to set up and test the ODBC driver on Unix?
access progress DB from client computer

Hi,how to access progress DB on Server from client computer ?