Minimizing a Progress window to the System Tray

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
Do you mean to lose the footprint on the bar, just to have an icon thing? Or do you just mean to minimise the screen?

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
This isn't possible with Progress. You might be able to use some sort of API, but I don't know for sure.


We did this a while ago with a .NET application to create the icon (see NotifyIcon class) and using simple socket communication with the Progress application.
You could use os-command to initiate the .NET application.
Use WINDOW:SHOW-IN-TASKBAR = NO and WINDOW:HIDDEN = YES to make the window disappear.

For example the 'click' event on the icon sent a command over the socket to the Progress application of "show" or "hide".

These articles should help you get started with sockets: