Mfg Pro Vs Sage Enterprise


New Member
Hi All

Can anyone pass on any information of any problems/thoughts and reservations of either system.

We are about to embark on a capital spend but are unsure which system to choose - i would like to hear from Users of each system.

No experience with Sage.
20+ Yrs Exp speaking:
Mfg Pro:As good and stable as most. Minor issues.
Foresight MXP:As good and stable as most. Minor issues.
Syteline:Fair, suitable. Issues. Converting to MS-Sequel soon.
(difficulty finding qualified Syteline Programmers).
Recommend: Go Unix db server, App Server, WinNt Terminal Servers architecture.

Will design, install, implement, consult for fee.

Been using MFG/PRO for over 10 years.
My advice: Use Progress not Oracle.
Unix has more to offer than NT.
Keep your project scope narrow, at first.
Be cautious of scope creep.
MRP II may be a difficult concept for some,
so be patient. You mught have to repeat
training. One of the keys is training.

I am not a consultant but can recommend one of the best
organizations, off line, if you like.

I have no experience of Sage. But 3 years of syteline and Mfg/pro.

IF syteline is going ms-sql then stay away from it. Mfg/pro is stable. Is not pretty but solid.

As said beofre me stick with progress. MS sql is cheap but I believe admin is more expensive and may incur more down time costs.

Progress is something you start and basically forget. Stick with Unix. Aix and Hp ux are my experience. I would prefer HP -ux. I ran syteline (Progress) on NT. NT is not comparable to Unix for reliability. My personal view from experience.

Hope this helps.