
New Member
I am using a put statement to write to a file a series of fields. The field in question is "X(5000)" at the database level; a note field. Is there a default field length when simply outputting as such -

put stream outfile unformatted table.note.

Would Progress 9.1b trucate this field if total record length is less then 32K?

Recipient states that the note field is coming to them trucated, yet I can find no example of such, and I have yet to hear back from them with an example.

Generally speaking though I wanted to know if Progress trucates large fields such as this, even if there is no danger of record length exceeding limit.

Import of file

What kind of file are you producing? A text file?

How is the file being read? It is possible that all the data is in the file that you produce but that because of a character in the notes the importing program believes that the records has ended.

Just a thought.
Try to define a variable with view-as phrase as 'editor'. You have the ability to say number of lines and number of char per line. Then use this variable in the put statement and see if it works.