Making a CSV dump of Progress 9.1e data


New Member
One of our future customers needs a conversion of their Progress 9.1e data to our Mysql data.
I think the easiest way to accomplish this is by making a CSV dump through Progress's Administration tool.

However, their current software vendor did not install a license that allows them to create a CSV export.

Therefore I thought of the following strategy:
1. Fysically copy their DB files (.db, .d1, etc.).
2. Install Open Edge 10 with evaluation license
3. Use Proutil to convert the data to Open Edge.
4. Export from Open Edge 10 evaluation to CSV.

I'm currently running into the problem that the bi file of the old database needs to be truncated. This can't be done with version 10.

So now I'm thinking of dumping the old data and loading it back into the version 10.

However, I'm not too sure if this is actually possible, does the evaluation license allow me to perform the load and eventually the export to CSV files?

Any other options in this situation (existing database with only limited Progress 9.1e license)?

Thanks for any help that you might provide.


Reading between the lines a bit... you obtained an eval license from PSC in order to do this? I'm guessing that you didn't say that your reason for "evaluating" OE 10 was to convert a customer to some other product... but perhaps I'm wrong and you're actually taking the time to evaluate the Progress db as a replacement for MySQL and this customer conversion is just a side-show that popped up along the way?

In any event your problem is easily solved by simply truncating the bi file using v9 prior to copying it. Even the most limited of licenses permit this. Copying the files is somewhat tricky -- you need to make sure that the database is shutdown and you need to preserve the timestamps. Or you could use probkup & prorest. (Since you've already copied the files I may as well point out that the v9 proutil is provided with OE10. It is in the 91dbutils sub-directory of $DLC/bin. You could use that to truncate the already copied db.)

Or you could, of course, save yourself a lot of time, energy and subterfuge and just hire a consultant to take care of it. There are a few floating around here ;)


New Member
Thanks for the information :) It helped alot! I was able to actually import the data into OpenEdge; the truncate util in 91dbutils worked wonders.

However, as it seems, the evaluation license doesn't give the option to export the data. At least, that's what I think as in the admin tool almost all options in the 'Admin' menu are grayed out, including the Ex-/Import ones.

Now I'm starting to wonder what kind of license I minimally need to buy in order to get out of this seemingly vendor lock-in.

In any case, thanks again for the information.


New Member
As a matter of fact, it seems I can't even run a procedure in the evaluation version: '** Compiler is not available in this version of PROGRESS. (494)'.

So an export to CSV seems to be out of the question?

If so, if there are indeed no further alternatives, does anyone know what license I should minimally have to accomplish an export to CSV and how much this, approax, costs? I'm a bit at a loss when looking at the website, can't find anything about obtaining a license and pricing.


New Member
I decided to try another route, but got stuck again.

This time I started a proserve instance and tried to connect to the database through a jdbc interface (got a tool 'Squirrel' that should be able to export tables to CSV).

However, I can't seem to get the authentication part right. At first I thought the credentials would be the same as the one who started the proserve instance. However, this does not seem to be the case?

I'm afraight the username/password are stored in the database itself and thus only known by the vendor of the software that created the database. Am I correct in this?


You need at least a "query/results" license. That would be $425. It's a "deployment" license though and, strictly speaking, might not be kosher for your purposes.

A 4gl development license would also work and should be entirely kosher. Those are $2,800.

Or you need to know someone who already has a license and who is willing & able to put together an export program for you.

It isn't so much about "lock in" as that you just aren't a very interesting sales prospect ;)


I decided to try another route, but got stuck again.

This time I started a proserve instance and tried to connect to the database through a jdbc interface (got a tool 'Squirrel' that should be able to export tables to CSV).

However, I can't seem to get the authentication part right. At first I thought the credentials would be the same as the one who started the proserve instance. However, this does not seem to be the case?

I'm afraight the username/password are stored in the database itself and thus only known by the vendor of the software that created the database. Am I correct in this?

Maybe. If the vendor's customers are using O/JDBC for reporting or whatever then they should know at least one userid/password. If that id has access to all the relevant data then you're all set. Otherwise it could be a bit of a challenge.


New Member
Well, sounds totally logical and I managed to obtain some user id's/passwords ( I verified if they were actually configured in the database through the data dictionary tool ).

However, I keep getting authentication errors.

So I'm lost on that road :) My current approach is seeking contact with the software vendor.

Thanks again for the help!


New Member
The other vendor installed an ODBC driver on the machine. I can now export to CSV :)

Thanks again and cya laters, maybe I'll switch to Progress some day when my DB needs become more sofisticated and OpenEdge can provide me with those needs :)