Landscape to Unix Printer Problem


New Member
I am using symix 'include' files in a progress report that I want to print in landscape format to an HP printer on our NT network.

I setup a printer default for this report and entered the proper starting and ending escape codes (~E&l1O). The include file is supose to format the output stream as defined by the printer defaults, but it doesn't. Actually, I put in two codes, condensed and landscape (~E&l1O~E&k2S). It prints the condensed font but the report still prints in portrait format so it seems to be reading the codes.

Yes, I can hard code the program (tried that) to print in landscape, but progress, or styeline, still formats the page header as portrait and the line count is not correct, splitting one page into two pages.

Does anyone know how I might get around this problem.

Thanks in advance. Have a nice day.
I don't know anything about symix so I'm not sure what would be in the include files.

It sounds to me however as if the output is paged with an incorrect page-size parameter.

Check your code for the output statement and see if this needs changing.
As I understand it, the include file opens the stream, checks the default printer start and end strings then formats the page header based on that data.

I tried to add the page size to the include file input parameters but that didn't work either.
