Java on Progress

Hi all.

There is some interest in our organisation in moving our front ends to Java (or possibly VB).

Can someone point me in the right direction to find out how exactly to connect a Java program to Progress (preferably through appserver or some third party equivalent).

Ta :)

Your best bet is to use ProxyGen in V9.x .. it does both ActiveX and Java classes that "look" like Progress ".r" code and call the actual ".r" code on the AppServer.

Keep it coming

Thank you for your help Murray.

Next question is: where can I find some information about proxygen? There seem to be very few references to it in the Progress 9.1 documentation, and then only fairly obliquely. (In the context of Webspeed and adm)

Is there anywhere it is specifically documented?

Thanks again,

Hi David!

We're using Java with progress, using ProxyGen to generate Proxy Objects.

In theory, it all works well - But the product is not stable. We've deployed our product to 7 customers, and every one of them experience some kind of problem, depending on the load. Most of the problem relate to appservers not being released when they should, resulting in hanging clients.

Our platform is HPUX11 Progress 9.1A. Right now we're porting to RedHat Linux. Hope this platform is more stable.

Some thing to note when using Java/Progress.

- Up to 9.1B Progress only supports Java 1.1.7 on the server side. We use 1.3 on the clients and it works fine.

- Consider performance carefully. Parsing long parameter lists to the appserver proved to be a bottle-neck, instead we packed many parameters in one char string.

- It is safer/better to request and release appservers on demand, instead of taking one appserver, and keeping it for as long as the program runs. You can have the appbroker prestart a number of servers, so this performs just as well.

- Don't use persistent procedures unless you absolutely have to - They don't always get released.

We're considering JDBS, but I don't know how well this works eighter.

Hope it'll help
