java, ODBC, webspeed


New Member
I am a Progress programmer, but I am not very familiar with Webspeed. Right now, our Progres database is on Solaris, IIS is the webserver. We installed Progress on NT just to have some webspeed programs to create database triggers. I am trying to see if we can do the same thing with Java and ODBC. Where would I start on this?


I don't understand what you are trying to do. Why do you use webspeed? Is it just because you want to make databasetriggers? Why Use WebSpeed for that? Why install Progress on NT just to make WebSpeed programms? Do you have a gui or CHUI application which you are trying to interface with WebSpeed? Or do you want to make a HTML interface for some kind of database mangementtool? Which version of Progress/WebSpeed or you on, what SP level?
Could you explain what you are trying to achive using WebSpeed? And what the reasons are you choose WebSpeed?

The webspeed version is 3.0. Progress version is 91D. I know the webspeed was installed on NT just to make database triggers. It is interfacing with some asp web pages. I don't know the reasons for choosing webspeed, but that is why I would like to change it(if there is a way).

I still don't understand what you are trying to achieve with WebSeed. So it's hard for me to say how you can do it by using java and SQL.

If you want to make databasetriggers then you can define them in the datadictionary and make them with a progress editor.
Well, I' think the warm weather has got to me. :-)

With WebSpeed it's fairly easy to create HTML-pages. If you only have WebSpeed to interface with ASP then I really dont understand you.
And if that's true, I dont understand what you are trying to achieve with odbc and java.
The question suggests you are trying to web enable (part of) your application. Your answers say something different.
If you are trying to web enable (part of) your application then WebSpeed is the right track to follow. There is no need for asp or odbc/java kind of stuff. Webspeed has taken care of all the troubles you encounter if you try to make your own interface with html using java(jsp?) and ODBC. So stick to WebSpeed.

thanks for the suggestion. I got what I am looking for. I was looking for java stored procedure. It is just something we would like to explore more.
