Is it possible to run Windows services using the Progress Database


New Member
Progress Database I have in my hand. Is it possible to progress using the database to run Windows services?. Is there investigating the matter?
Please help.
Maybe if you explain a little more what you are trying to achieve?
You can't run a Progress Database as a Windows service - but, the Admin Service is a Windows service. If you configure the databases in Admin Service you can configure them with auto-start and when you configure the Admin Service in the Windows service manager with auto-start then when you boot the machine the databases will start automatically - if that is what you want.

Other than that I vaguely remember about something like AutoExNT ...

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.
If you are asking if you can create window services that uses the Progress database then it is possible but you would need to use .Net and appserver. You can create window service in .Net that call the appserver to run procedures on the database.