I was told to say, "Hello!"


New Member
There was a cute little nag saying, "Hey, you should post something." So I will.

I was a Progress programmer from 1986 until 2002. The Progress market just fell apart then in the DFW area. Now I have to work with Oracle and SQL. How I thirst for my native tongue. :)

I just stop in every once in a while to feel like I am home. The same way I go visit my parents every week.

How I would love to be writing Progress 4GL again, but, I am destined to write stupid SELECT statements on port the data into Access or Excel. This is a sad time for me.

The scariest part of all is that some code is beginning to not look familiar any more. I used to could see the DISPLAY's in my head, now, memories are fading. I need a PROGRESS gig soon, then again, I fear that Progress may have left me. I was still using 8.3C character-based when it came to an end in July of 2002. It's been 4 years and I am afraid I may not even recognize good Progress code any more.

Enough. I envy you all and send my humble greetings.
That's a great first post.

Regardless of how rusty you are with Progress, it will be nice to get an 'outside' view that isn't full of attitude.

As far as I can tell from looking at legacy code, things have moved on a lot since character, although my more experienced colleagues assure me the direction isn't all positive.
.... ther r ppl like me too .. who envy u:rolleyes: ... its been only 2 months :confused: i ve started to work with progress ... n i wonder how with a bit of ur yrs of exp. n codin ability i wud b doin grt things;p .......