How to backup


there is a .lk file.

Since I already include a cd c:\ I will just add the extra onto it:
set DLC=c:\DLC
set PATH = %PATH;%DLC%\bin

cd: "c:\eureka\eureka 2007\db"
call %DLC$\bin\proshut.bat "c:\eureka\eureka 2007\db\eureka" -by
call %DLC%\bin\probkup.bat "c:\eureka\eureka 2007\db\eureka" c:\backups\eureka.pbk -com
call %DLC%\bin\proserve.bat "c:\eureka\eureka 2007\db\eureka" -pf c:\...

I have tried a few things to get it to do an online backup with no success. I will assume if I can shut the database down correctly this problem will dissapear, then a full backup can take place...

Of course once I have done the full backups Ill need to make notes on how to complete a restore - HA.
probkup online and no server running produces no server found
probkup [no online] and server running produces in multi-user mode

Match command to state.
Right I have this code completing a backup tonight at 22:00

Fingers crossed it all works out.

set DLC=c:\DLC
set PATH = %PATH;%DLC%\bin

cd: c:\
call %DLC$\bin\proshut.bat "c:\eureka\eureka 2007\db\eureka" -by >>c:\backups\backuptask\log.txt
call %DLC%\bin\probkup.bat "c:\eureka\eureka 2007\db\eureka" c:\backups\eureka.pbk -com >>c:\backups\backuptask\log.txt
call %DLC%\bin\proserve.bat "c:\eureka\eureka 2007\db\eureka" -pf c:\eureka\eureka 2007\info\>>c:\backups\backuptask\log.txt
oh well, it didnt work.

It simply output "PROGRESS Version 8.3E as of Thu Nov 15 12:55:05 EST 2001" to the log.

I am going to shut the database down myself and run a backup. Fingers crossed that works.

I am unsure why it failed, when I ran it against the Demo.db it worked fine.

Managed to get a backup done via proutil, the proshut command always stated their was no server found...

Will these commands start and stop our server correctly?

pccmd proservice stop

pccmd proservice start

So my Bat file would then contain

set DLC=c:\DLC
set PATH = %PATH;%DLC%\bin
cd: c:\
call %DLC$\bin\pccmd proservice stop
call %DLC%\bin\probkup.bat "c:\eureka\eureka 2007\db\eureka" c:\backups\eureka.pbk -com >>c:\backups\backuptask\log.txt
call %DLC%\bin\pccmd proservice start
I thought as much but need to keep it quiet...the database isnt a mission critical one and is unlikely to get upgraded yet...

set DLC=c:\DLC
set PATH = %PATH;%DLC%\bin
cd: c:\
call %DLC$\bin\pccmd proservice stop
call %DLC%\bin\probkup.bat "c:\eureka\eureka 2007\db\eureka" c:\backups\eureka.pbk -com >>c:\backups\backuptask\log.txt
call %DLC%\bin\pccmd proservice start

Do the job - something has to now that they are not reneweing my contract :( BAH?
It looks reasonable but I no longer have 8.3 for windows available to test with.

I suggest that you test it with a test database instead of waiting for the overnight results.
I do not recall. 8.3 was 10 or 15 years ago and I never really spent any time with pccmd. I've always been a proserve/proshut kind of guy.