how to backup my database?


i have 3 database..
i want to backup them..
i dont know how?
can u help me for that code?
and code also for the restore..

im a newbie in progress..

im using 10.1b...

please help me..

need it badly..

It is helpful to know what operating system you are using.

But, basically, you want to use the probkup and prorest commands.

A probkup can be either offline or online. You will want to use the online option if you are running 24x7.

The "device-name" argument can be a file name. Many people first backup to disk and then use an OS utility to backup those files to tape. It is usually faster to do it this way and you have a handy "most recent backup" on disk ready to go if you should happen to need it.

I almost always use the -com option. The documentations says that it "compresses" the backup but what it really does is just eliminate empty space. It is not doing compression in the sense of LZW et al.

If your database is large or you are on a platform which limits file sizes you may need to use multiple backup extents. The first extent is always specified on the probkup command line, additional extents are specified in a text file which you redirect into the command. Something like this:

$ cat /backups/dbname.list
$ probkup dbname /backups/dbname.pbk001 -vs 125000 -com < /backups/dbname.list

If you need multiple extents remember that -vs is in units of db block size. If the above example is a database with 8k blocks each volume will be 2GB.

By the way... all responsible database administrators are also running with after-imaging enabled. Don't just backup. Make sure that after-imaging is enabled and that you know how to use it. Without after-imaging your exposure to data loss is all of the data back to your last good backup -- which might not be the last one that you made (stuff happens, tapes go missing or turn out to be unreadable...) With a well implemented after-imaging system you can reconstruct everything up to the point of failure. Even if you lose a few tapes.
im using windows xp..
i try to backup my data base using the code of prodict/dump_df.p,prodict/dump_d.p and prodict/load_df.p,prodict/load_d.p..

what is after-imaging?

how do i used this code?

i paste it on the procedure window..

unable to understand after -- "$"..

$ cat /backups/dbname.list
$ probkup dbname /backups/dbname.pbk001 -vs 125000 -com < /backups/dbname.list

i dont know how to used this code..
The code that I provided is for UNIX. You're running Windows so you can safely ignore the specifics.

You have been trying to "dump and load" your database with dump_df etc. I suppose you could view that as a method of backing up but that's not really what it is for. You usually do a dump and load in order to restructure a database or as part of an upgrade to a new version of Progress.

After-imaging is the capability capturing a transaction log, archiving those transactions externally and then potentially replaying those transactions against a backup in order to recreate a database. It is an essential part of a robust recovery strategy.

It sounds to me like you desperately need a DBA training class or some hands-on mentoring in the topic.
so that code is for unix..
so whats the code for windows?
any idea how to backup on windows?
thanks for aswering my question sir TomBascom. :awink:
The "cat" command was just to show you what the contents of the file listing extents should look like (if you need a file listing extents).

Windows uses "\" instead of "/" so if you're using full pathnames change those.

Start "proenv" and then use the probkup command pretty much as written. The "$ " prompt will be replaced with "proenv> ".

You might want to spend a few minutes reading the documentation on the probkup & prorest commands. And get signed up for a DBA course before something awful happens...