how much database is growing?


New Member

This is durgaprasad,

Presently we are using progress 9.1d version.platform AIX server version 5 release 7.

How to know how much database is growing after taking full backup(database size is 4gb and block size is 8192).

We can find any option in Promon or how to calculate exact database size?
A simple way to see the size of your database is checking the Database Status (7) screen in promon. You can see the total number of database blocks and the highwater mark. You need to multiply the number of blocks with the blocksize of the database which you can see there too. The total number of database blocks gives you the size of the database on disk and the high water mark how many blocks are actually in use.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.
High water marks are per area since v9...

The original post says that the db is 4GB.

So the original poster already knows how big the db is. My question then is where did that number come from and what is wrong with it? Apparently you're looking for something different? So what are you already looking at and why do you think something different is needed?
Hi TomBascom,

Actual question is for ex: if i taken full backup last month,up to know how much database is grown till now?

how to find it any formula is their or by checking in Promon we can find it or not.
You have not answered my questions.

1) You state that the database is currently 4GB. How do you know this? What are you looking at that tells you this?

2) You imply that whatever you looked at to obtain the 4GB number is not a suitable number for knowing how large the database is and determining how rapidly it is growing, Without knowing what number you looked at (see question #1) we cannot suggest a better one. And without knowing the purpose of your inquiry we can only accidentally provide a correct answer.

None the less...

There are several widely used ways of looking at database "size". The correct method for your purpose depends on the answers to the questions above. There may also be other considerations that would depend on unknowns that you have yet to reveal.

1) Look at the disk footprint. You are running UNIX so you can use the "du -k" command. So long as the filesystems that you look at only contain relevant database files that would be sufficient. On the other hand -- if you need to separate database files from a collection of other stuff you could use "ls -l" to get the size of each and every extent and then add them up. An up to date list of extents related to any particular database can be obtained from "prostrct list dbName". The output will come to the screen and will also go to a file named

2) Start PROMON. Go to #5 "Activity". Look at "DB Size".

3) Run "proutil dbName -C dbanalys > dbName.out". Write a program to parse the output and calculate the storage area by storage area size. This kind of breakdown and trending will result in many independent sizes which can then be summed up to provide a total size. But if you are trying keep an eye on when extents might need to be added to storage areas something along these lines is one approach.

4) Grow to know and love the VST and Meta-schema tables. For instance:
for each dictdb._AreaStatus no-lock:

  1 column

By the way -- 9.1D is ancient, obsolete and unsupported. It is a miracle that anyone remembers anything about how to analyze or debug it. Ditto for AIX 5.