How Can I Auto Load an Incremental .df Schema Change File


New Member
I have an incremental .df file with a schema change.
I would like to have a script that can run progress code to apply it.
(currently, doing thru the admin menu choice in mpro. would like to automate it to possible do at off-hours)

i've heard people mention load_df.p, but i can't seem to find the source code for this. can someone please post it or instruct me how to load the delta.df file.

This is the piece of code we use to load the df into our different environments (ie this piece of code is repeated several times with different dwh-db's in a program):
message "dbname something".
disconnect dwh no-error.
connect -1 e:\database\something\dwh.
run Login.
create alias appldb for database "dwh".
create alias "dictdb" for database "dwh".
run prodict/load_df.p (cFile).
if lMapping
  run e:\ntomg\pvcs\importdwhmapping.p(cPath).
delete alias appldb.

The prodict/load_df.p(input df-filename) is what your looking for.
load_df.p, like all of the dictionary code, resides in a prolib library. So you can't see it directly on disk. It may be in one of several locations, on my system it's in $DLC/src/ You can use "prolib $DLC/src/ -list" to see the contents of the library and -extract to pull files out.

Usually you write a wrapper procedure, such as the one posted above, to call these procedures.
thanks a lot. i extracted the code with the following steps:
prolib $DLC/src/ -yank prodict/load_df.p
prolib $DLC/src/ -yank prodict/user/uservar.i
prolib $DLC/src/ -yank prodict/dictvar.i
prolib $DLC/src/ -yank adecomm/adestds.i
prolib $DLC/src/ -yank adecomm/adefext.i

and then ran the following to apply an incremental .df file:
mpro -db {dbname} -b -p ./load_df.drv > load_df.log

created load_df.drv which had the following in it:
RUN "load_df.p" (INPUT "delta.df").

seems that sometimes a {dbname}.e file gets generated with warnings.
any way to re-direct that to a different filename?
It's in prodict/dump/_lodsddl.p - you could copy that off to another program and amend the reference (ASSIGN dbload-e = LDBNAME("DICTDB") + .e".) but then you'd have to copy all the include files as well.

Or, a simpler way might be to do an os-copy in the calling program to copy the .e file to another file. That way you needn't mess around with the Progress source but can customise the output file.

This is the piece of code we use to load the df into our different environments (ie this piece of code is repeated several times with different dwh-db's in a program):
message "dbname something".
disconnect dwh no-error.
connect -1 e:\database\something\dwh.
run Login.
create alias appldb for database "dwh".
create alias "dictdb" for database "dwh".
run prodict/load_df.p (cFile).
if lMapping
  run e:\ntomg\pvcs\importdwhmapping.p(cPath).
delete alias appldb.

The prodict/load_df.p(input df-filename) is what your looking for.

hey could u tell me. what is this load_df.p.
i am not get it still now, wats the usuage of it.
plz tell me the usuage of it ..
it may be useful for me in future.
This is the piece of code we use to load the df into our different environments (ie this piece of code is repeated several times with different dwh-db's in a program):
message "dbname something".
disconnect dwh no-error.
connect -1 e:\database\something\dwh.
run Login.
create alias appldb for database "dwh".
create alias "dictdb" for database "dwh".
run prodict/load_df.p (cFile).
if lMapping
  run e:\ntomg\pvcs\importdwhmapping.p(cPath).
delete alias appldb.

HI Guys,

hey i am new to progress db. i did some activities dump andload,
i done schema upgradation and incremental load.df file.
but i am not understanding the purpose of load_df.p:what::what:
plz let me know,
may be it wil be useful for upcoming tasks.
