Hourglass VS. Processing Bar

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
Hi All,

One of the marketing guys said that the Hourglass while waiting was not very

So ...
Is there any easy way to bring up a Processing bar ? OCX ?
Would the Processing Bar impact performance in noticeable way ?

I thought it might be neat to see a Processing Bar when loading a large text
file into an Editor Widget.

(Progress 8.3b, Win NT/95)



Richard Herring
Programming Services

Bac-Tech Systems, Inc.
http://www.bac-tech.com/ <http://www.bac-tech.com/>
How much information does a marketing guy expect?
Seriously, I think it can't be done if the load-file operation is just
one single statement that does not provide a progress trigger.
(where progress trigger is a trigger that says "60 lines loaded" or
"12 kilobyte loaded" so far). You could perhaps break the large file
into a lot of small chunks and write a loop that appends all these
chunks into the editor widget while you redraw the progress bar.
It would have negative impact on the overal performance.

Search-engine for Progress related websites:

Windows API examples for Progress 4GL:
I sucessfully used the Animation control that comes with VB6, and run an
.avi like the 'flying folders'.
I didn't notice any extra overhead, and I don't have to call back to update
a percentage, like a progressbar.

Rob den Boer
I dont think you can do it to show the progress of a single
statement, but if you are looping then you can.
I couldn't find a decent progress bar when I was looking ages ago.
The Msoft one is a little on the crap side.
The progress way is to have 2 rectangles. One white the other blue.
Superimpose the blue one on the white one and increase the size
of the blue one and hey presto, quick and cheesy progress bar.


Thought for the day:
Communist (n): one who has given up all hope
of becoming a Capitalist.