Group By In Progress not like sql?


New Member

I have multiple records with the same product code and different price values. I am looking to sum the price values and group by product

Break by doesn't seem to work for what i am looking for.

FH 1.00
FH 3.00

EP 5.00
EP 2.00

should return.

FH 4.00
EP 7.00

Code I have now.

FOR EACH rpm.coitem NO-LOCK
WHERE (rpm.coitem.stat = "F" AND rpm.coitem.ship-date > 01/01/2009 AND rpm.coitem.ship-date < 02/06/2009),EACH rpm.item NO-LOCK
OF rpm.coitem
BREAK BY rpm.item.product-code:
v_row = v_row + 1.
hWorkSheet:Cells(v_row, 1):VALUE = rpm.item.product-code.
hWorkSheet:Cells(v_row, 2):VALUE = rpm.coitem.price * rpm.coitem.qty-shipped.

thanks ahead time

Casper Moderator
Staff member
Sounds like break by should work.
If you work with break by, you have to use first-of and last-of to count the total amount and fill the excel in last-of.




I have multiple records with the same product code and different price values. I am looking to sum the price values and group by product

Break by doesn't seem to work for what i am looking for.

FH 1.00
FH 3.00

EP 5.00
EP 2.00

should return.

FH 4.00
EP 7.00

Code I have now.

FOR EACH rpm.coitem NO-LOCK
WHERE (rpm.coitem.stat = "F" AND rpm.coitem.ship-date > 01/01/2009 AND rpm.coitem.ship-date < 02/06/2009),EACH rpm.item NO-LOCK
OF rpm.coitem
BREAK BY rpm.item.product-code:
v_row = v_row + 1.
hWorkSheet:Cells(v_row, 1):VALUE = rpm.item.product-code.
hWorkSheet:Cells(v_row, 2):VALUE = rpm.coitem.price * rpm.coitem.qty-shipped.

thanks ahead time

You have to sum them up, after that display them or use the ACCUM function which is pretty awkward.
Summing up all the records in a variable inside the for each and use the LAST-OF to display it on the last record of that particular type.


New Member
Something like this should get you going:

FOR EACH rpm.coitem NO-LOCK
 WHERE (rpm.coitem.stat = "F" 
             AND rpm.coitem.ship-date > 01/01/2009 
             AND rpm.coitem.ship-date < 02/06/2009),
    EACH rpm.item NO-LOCK OF rpm.coitem
   BREAK BY rpm.item.product-code:

    if first-of(rpm.item.product-code) then dTotal = 0.
    dTotal = dTotal + (rpm.coitem.price * rpm.coitem.qty-shipped).

    if last-of(rpm.item.product-code) then do:
        v_row = v_row + 1.
        hWorkSheet:Cells(v_row, 1):VALUE = rpm.item.product-code.
        hWorkSheet:Cells(v_row, 2):VALUE = dTotal.