Frame Segment exceeded while compiling after moving to OE10


New Member

I get error 3307( A frame segment has exceeded its limit of 32767 bytes, at a line #1872) while compiling a character .p in OE10. This is a known issue though.
line number it refers to is the last line of my .p

Can there be a way where I can find out which frame would be exceeding the size limit.



New Member
Yes, that is right. I am breaking down a larger framer into two frames..just wanted to know if there was a way Progress could tell me which frame was causing the issue.

Rob Fitzpatrick Sponsor
I'm sorry, I don't know. Have you looked at the statistics client startup parameters (-y, -yd, etc.)? They may provide you with some useful information. Here is a link to the docs online.


New Member
Did commenting finally. was trying to find a shortcut ..but finally commented the code to find out which Frame Segment was causing a failure at compile time.