Forum Post: RE: CATCH Brain-freeze

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Mike Fechner

medu Everyone should clean up his own mess, `finally` can (and should) be used even with no catch block :) Fully agree. FINALLY was the best new feature of 10.1C (who needed the dynamic TTY browse widget at all?) medu I for one don't see much use of that one catch-all block, using the new error handling still mean we have to handle those errors somehow and it's most of the time at a lower level than the main start-up routine. I would say it depends - if an error can be handled by performing an alternative action (e.g. retuning an alternative value from a method, searching a different record, etc.). However, when all you can do is inform the user that something went wrong, I'm also propagating that there should be a CATCH-all block (if you want to call it that way) at the end of the hand full of entry points to the AppServer and at the end of every (GUI) event handler.

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