Finding 18 years-old birthday

replace today by date of the birth
date( month(today), day(today), year(today) + 18) format "99/99/9999"
pause .
/* sorry i really forget about those people */
/* that have one birthday during four years */
/* may be this will be good enough */
/* but it will return the same date */
/* for 02/29/2000 and 03/01/2000 */
date( month(v-date), 1, year(v-date) + 18) + day(v-date) - 1 format "99/99/9999"
It is a business decision, not a programming decision, on how to handle people born on Feb. 29th.

mr_1u has decided they have to wait until March 1st to be 18, but that may not be what the user wants.