Executing aderb/_printrb in Progress OpenEdge 101c....


Environment Setup:
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate
Progress Versions: Progress 91e and Progress OpenEdge 101c
Licensed: Progress 91e => Enterprise, Provision and Workgroup
Progress OpenEdge 101c => OE Application, OE Enterprise, OE Studio
PDF Printer: NovaPDF 7

Good day ProgressTalkers,

I created a .p file that executes aderb/_printrb that automatically prints and create pdf in the specified path,
* using Progress 91e client and web setup, this file works...
* using Progress 101c client, this file works...
* using Progress 101c web setup: such inside speedscript tags, direct from URL and using OS-COMMAND goes into opening "Interactive Services Detection" where if you choose to "View the message", it will show the pdf printer dialog box prompting to manually click the "Save Button" to save it in pdf format.

I wanted to use .prl files in creating report in progress, I know that Report Builder is only available in versions before OpenEdge, but I'm just trying to use it in my web application. I'm thinking that maybe some configuration will overcome this problem of mine and I'm really not sure about this idea. Is it possible?
I know you can help me with my problem progressTalkers, please help me, I dont want to waste my PRL's..hehe...Thanks in advance and God Bless...