Error While Resolving The Issue


New Member
Hi all,

I have an isuue, can anyone help me buddy. with the concern explaination


1) To delete terminated orders codes from requested status of active order records,These are appearing while doing the active orders.

2) Also, Need to prevent the system from selecting the terminated order while doing any active orders

3) Would require to provide a log file of all affected. Assumption: let us assume that there was order(table) which has mapped to item(table) and order got successfully terminated but again while making the next/ new order to item table mapping, am receiving the terminated records which shouldn't be the case, I Should be making the new orders/mapping without any previous /terminated records data. Task to handle:

- See more at:
1)vesrion : 9.1d ,progress
2)os : windows XP
3) I tried code as
Code details below:
Method 1:: *
if order.ord-num = '' and order.status = yes then do: #warning 'TEST'# /*for each order : if avail order then delete order validate(order.ord-num = '','Order Details.'). end. */ end. */ /
method -2
if (order.status = yes) then do:message 'sample' end. if order.stat = NO then do: /* find ord where ord.ord-stat = ord-sta no-error.*/ FOR EACH customer WHERE customer.request = "" AND customer.purch = "" : /* if avail order THEN delete order validate(order.ord-num = '','Test message').*/ if avail ord-stat and ord-stat.allow then do: mes "warning" view-as alert. END. end. end. end.

4) I am not geting exact point
can't understood
1) To delete terminated orders codes from requested status of active order records,These are appearing while doing the active orders.
2) Also, Need to prevent the system from selecting the terminated order while doing any active orders
3) Would require to provide a log file of all affected.
let us assume that there was order(table) which has mapped to item(table) and order got successfully terminated but again while making the next/ new order to item table mapping, am receiving the terminated records which shouldn't be the case, I Should be making the new orders/mapping without any previous /terminated records data. Task to handle: For above scenario, I ve written the below code in various methods, However am getting an error mssg. kindly educate me on this issue and do need full..

Explain how we can done through these approach
What I meant was, what application is this? Your requirements make no sense because I don't know the application you are in. I don't know the structures at all. If you let us know the application then someone who has experience might be able to help.
Without knowing the system we will be unable to help in such a specific way. Have you not got a colleague you can ask?
The title of your post mentions an "error".

I see no error message anywhere in your post.

I'm not very good at reading minds.

I can, however, read code and the code that you have posted would not compile on any release of Progress. It would certainly throw plenty of errors. On the other hand -- it is so bad that I can only assume that it is pseudo-code, meant as an example of some sort, rather than the real code that you are actually trying to run.

But, again, I am not very good at reading minds. Whatever that code is supposed to be showing makes very little sense. Just for starters you appear to think that an order number should be a text string. If that is actually the case then your application is very poorly designed and you are probably going to have a difficult time making any sense out of it. But regardless of that, if you have a code problem please post the real code. Not some faked up example that doesn't even work.