Error ERROR: Password does not allow access to this function. Please re-enter.

MFG/Pro : eB2 SP2
Progress : 10.2B

When I try to set db level user (sysprogress and one additional sql user) using the Admin>Security , some of the MFG/Pro menus are getting disabled , like Manager Functions etc. The error that I get when trying to access Manager Functon (Menu 36) is as below :

ERROR: Password does not allow access to this function. Please re-enter.

Do I need to do any additional steps while defining db level user.
Please advice to resolve this error.

I am not sure if this has already been answered or not .

This is a case of QAD security. You need to first look in 36.3.10 Menu Security Maintenance what is the groups assigned for Menu: 0 Selection: 36 . This group you need to assign to these users in 36.3.1 User Maintenance (May be different menu in eB2 like 36.18.3 ) .