Error 915 in a structured procedure


Hello, I have some code that runs Ok as a part of a smartwindow-program, but crashes with a "Lock table overflow, increase -L on server (915)" error when I put it in a structured procedure.

I have found a workaround unlocking some records that didn't need to be exclusively-locked, but I'm intrigued.

Why does the same code run Ok in a smartwindow but crashes in a structured procedure?

We use Progress 9.1C, and a Windows 2003r2 database and programs server. Workstations Windows 7.
You probably have a reference to the table somewhere in the "structured procedure" that has raised the scope of the transaction to the entire procedure. Compile with the LISTING option and you will be able to see which blocks transactions and records are scoped to. I'm betting you will find some surprises.