Question Easiest way to find queries with share-lock?


New Member

From time to time we find code which has query without no-lock or exclusive-lock. This causes share-locks which causes problem.

Is there any tool available which would go through code repository and point out code without specified locks?

Add -NL to your compile session and any query without a lock status will default to NO-LOCK. Beware that this can give issues when attempting to update a record which has a missing lock status.
At a minimum turn on -NL on your development and possibly test environments - it will catch your forgetfulness as soon as as you attempt to run the code you are working on instead of having to wait for another proparse batch run to catch it.
Do you know if Proparse is compatible with Progress 10.1C? Installation instructions are mentioning OE Architect, which is found from version 10.2B and later(?).