DUMP SQL-View with DataAdmin


New Member
I have a 10.1 Openedge Database - with some SQL-Views.
The Views are valid - and I can connect from SQL-Server via openquery.

My problem is, that I can not DUMP & LOAD the VIEW-Definition within the DataAdmin. With Dump Data and Definitions -> SQL Views I only get the message, that there are NO SQL-Views.

If I Dump & Load the complete OPENEDGE-Database - there are no views in the new db.

The views are valid - and committed to the db?

Any hints?
Thank you


New Member
after spending a lot of time for googling I found a way to export the SQL-Views - but without the data-admin.
There is a SQLSCHEMA-Utility to export the View-Definition. But there is no tool to import the view-definition.
The way I do this now is to translate all the Tab and CR and to Paste it in a sql-explorer session. This works for few queries.
kind regards
There are 2 types of views. First is openedge View, it is written by using sql-89, and you can use it in progress code.
Second type of view - it is sql-92 view, created through odbc/sql.

Progress has table _Sysview, maybe it has info you need.