Question DS used in Progress 4GL Indexing?


New Member
Hi Team,
What is the Data Structure used in Progress 4GL Indexing? Is it Prefix B+ Tree? I couldn't find a conclusive answer to this question.


Saravanakumar B
Personally I don't know - but just out of curiosity - why would you want to know? I doubt that this information is of much use other than that you know.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.
Hi RealHeavyDude,
This popped out as a question when i was having a discussion with my friend who is from Oracle background and i didn't have an answer. Having 7 years of Progress experience am just curious to know behind the scenes. :)

Saravanakumar B
Awesome, Thanks Tom - it would be of great help if you could let me know when you get the sub-variety.

Saravanakumar B
The answer is likely to be of limited information value since, even if it can be classified, each implementation is likely to have many variations and subtleties that impact performance materially. E.g., where exactly would you put multi-index query solution in the picture. In fact, not just the structure of the index itself makes major impacts on how the index performs. Caching strategies which help to guarantee index blocks are in memory have a huge impact, as does use of -B2. So, I wouldn't get to wrapped up in labels, but rather look at the whole picture. How well does it do the job?!