$DLC/properties and $DLC/certs


  • Where can I find documentation on the $DLC/properties and $DLC/certs folders?
  • Why is it important to back up these folders?
You aren't likely to find documentation on the folders themselves. You can find documentation on the specific files though.

$DLC/properties contains the various config files for the name server, appserver, webspeed and other *man (dbman,asbman,etc) utilities as well as the adminserver plugins.

$DLC/certs would contain any SSL keys.

In my opinion you should back up the entire $DLC directory... so easy to restore/replicate instead of reinstalling Progress again.
If you are using any of the admin server related stuff you really, really need to backup $DLC/properties. And if you are doing anything with certificate based security you don't want to lose access to your certificates.

If you are just running an old-fashioned db that only uses proserve and scripting maybe you can get away without backing up those directories. But as TheMadDBA says -- backing up all of $DLC is a good idea anyway.