dbanalys not working correctly after update


I just updated de DB from OE10.1B to 10.1C.
OS W2003.
I want to run the dbanalys, but I only get the banner and then proutil terminates.
In the first banner it said the database was in use. I tried it again with the database down, but the result is the same.
Maybe a file .lk exists in the directory where the .db file is located. In the past it was used by all Progress processes to check whether the database was in use or not. Nowadays with more recent OpenEdge releases just some of the utilities still rely on it. If such a .lk file exists you can just delete it. If you can't delete because it's accessed by a process then your database is still running although you think it is not.

But, the dbanalys can be run online too. It should automatically recognize whether the database is on- or offline. Usually that is where a misplaced .lk file comes into play.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.
That didn't work. I removed the lk file, but it's still closing down.
I don't get an error or anything, proutil just closes as soon as it printed the banner and doesn't analyse the database further. :-(
Call me a cynic but... You probably have to re-install everything from scratch (starting with Windows) :(

But before you do that... Are you running proutil from a proenv window? If you are (and you should be) are all of the environment variables properly set? Especially DLC, PATH and PROPATH?
The same thing happened with me when I converted a Progress 9.1e DB to 10.2B using Proutil utility. Upon investigating, I found that the 'host name' of the Linux box was more than 50 characters. We reduced the sized and it worked.
I did reinstall Progress, but I can try that again.
I do start the utility using proenv.
The enviromental settings are correct.

I'll try a new install and I'll make sure all components are removed after removing OpenEdge.

SSuhaib, my hostname isn't long. So that's not the solution.
Do you get any particular error message?

Usually when you run a Progress command from with the proenv environment you should be all set. Some of the utilities start other utilities and for that the %DLC%\bin directory must be in the PATH.

What is the output when you run set?

I am guessing there is something wrong with the PATH.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.
Try running _proutil.exe rather than the proutil batch file.

Also, try a test db -- like "sports" and see what happens.
I did a clean install and I made sure all Java services where stopped. After the clean install dbanalys worked correctly.
Thanx for the help. :)