Data doesn't refresh in the GUI screen.


New Member
Hello progresstalk community,

I had one employee looking at a job in the job order screen. During that time another employee rescheduled that job.

The first employee who was looking at the job changed jobs and came back to the one that was rescheduled but the data was not refreshed and still had the old start and end dates.

For some reason clicking refresh and closing the job order screen didn't help. The user had to close Syteline in order for the data to appear correctly.

I have been unable to recreate this problem and feel it is extreamly remote. But sense it happened to a VP it is now a fire and has to be put out imediatly. :rolleyes:

Has anyone else have similar problems and or know of a resolution? Or ideas of what is causing this?

Best regards,

Version Information
Syteline: 5.00.30
Progress: 9.1B