Copy records from SQL Database into PROGRESS db


New Member
Hi All,
Can I connect to SQL db from progress data dictionary by using any sort ODBC mechanism? In that case I will be able to treat the SQL db as if it is a progress db. Then, I will connect to both the databases and copy contents from SQL db into progress db.

Depending on what SQL database you are dealing with Progress has a Data Server product for it. Most prominently for Oracle and MS SQL Server. But you need to check the product availability guide to check whether there is a Data Server product available for you version of Progress that supports your version of your SQL database.

You can find the product availability here:
Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.
Bear in mind that Data Server is an extra-cost product. If you will be doing this work on an on-going basis then that may be a good fit for your needs.

However if this is a one-time or infrequent process I think you would be better off dumping the SQL DB data to flat files and importing them into the Progress DB using the data dictionary. Note that you probably have some manipulation to do to the files first, depending on the data, as your SQL schema's data types likely don't match up with Progress data types.