Connection Odbc Doesn't Release User On Database Sessions


New Member

we have very strange problem (pb) with our connection odbc (currently we are using progress 11.3), when we make any connection via odbc we realise (in our user's sessions in database) that the user connection is still active after we make connection close... . have someone deal or have dealt with same pb?

Could anyone help us, please?
thanks in advance.

here is our code:

Private connMultiposREADONLY As String = "DRIVER=Progress OpenEdge 11.3 driver;DB=multipos;UID=userodbc;PWD=**;HOST=srvlinux;PORT=1000; DefaultIsolationLevel=READ UNCOMMITTED"

Dim connection As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection = New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection(Me.connMultiposREADONLY)


Catch ex As Exception

End Try
yes, it miss :) but the point is that with or without datareader the problem is the same... (I didn't put that code to simplify the post..)... but again, the pb remains.. i have tried the code on that link and unfortunately it didn't work :( ........ the user session is still active after the 2 closes... this is very annoy for us.. because we are always running out for sessions..

thank you very much for your reply...
no, I didn't... but how can I accomplish that based on that code? (from the sample code on the progress website..)
Glad it helped. Depending on a lot of version specific things (.NET, Driver, etc) connection pooling can be enabled by default. This just tells .NET that you are done with that connection with no plans to reuse it.