Compile Stockroom Location Screen


New Member
I need to make some modifications to the Stockroom Location screen. I am not sure how the program "w-istkr.w" should be compiled. This is what I have tried so far.

1. compile item/w-istkr.w save.
Results: This compiles OK, except it leaves the scroll bar.

2. compile item/w-istkr.w v6frame.
Results: This will also compile, but it also leaves the scroll bars and the screen does not look right at all.

I have also tried re-compiling the program with out making any changes and I still end up with the scroll bars.

Can someone give me some ideas on what I need to do?

Thanks for your help.
This is not due to program compiliation. In your program,Some of the Rectangle width is more than current-window width.

So please try to fit the rectangles with the current-window width and compile a program.( compile item/w-istkr.w save)


zeddreader said:
I need to make some modifications to the Stockroom Location screen. I am not sure how the program "w-istkr.w" should be compiled. This is what I have tried so far.

1. compile item/w-istkr.w save.
Results: This compiles OK, except it leaves the scroll bar.

2. compile item/w-istkr.w v6frame.
Results: This will also compile, but it also leaves the scroll bars and the screen does not look right at all.

I have also tried re-compiling the program with out making any changes and I still end up with the scroll bars.

Can someone give me some ideas on what I need to do?

Thanks for your help.