Client unable connect to Server 10060 (1432)


New Member
We are just updating 9.1D --> 10.1C.
Win 2008 X64 Enterprise Server. Database is converted, everything running ok. When I start the Client on the localhost everything is fine
But I am unable to connect from a Client Machine. I've installed Client networking, setup my pf, but getting Error 10060 (1432) unable to connect to the database.
I have checked -H and -S many times, everything looks fine.
for -H i have tried the actuell Hostname, Localhost and the IP.
When I use the IP the DB will not start (error message in the .lg that the hostname is gp-openedge not the ip) so DNS etc. is fine...
for -S i have tried multiple ports (2405 is what i wanted). I also tried adjusting the services file, giving a name to the ports etc...

No matter what i do, the client will not connect. When looking with CURRPORTS the client is sending a request on 2405 (or the service name when setup) and the server is listening on that port, but no connect!
This is driving me crazy!
Windows Firewalls are disabled, server client in local lan etc... should be so easy... Am I missing something on 10.1C???

Hoping for the golden tip!
You might have a firewall with a firewall blocking your requests. I just recently had the same errors and it turned out to be that the firewall was blocking the database ports although the admin stated otherwise.

HTH, RealHeavyDude.
Was the database started with the Progress Explorer Tool or a script. Was it stated by someone with admin rights (same as Admin Server).
View the file for possible errors.

Promon -> R&D -> Status Displays -> Servers confirms the broker is
using a TCP/IP port

Servers by broker show SV0 Pid 3236 Login TCP Port 2305 (2305 is what i definded on database startup) SV1 Auto Port 3000.

No Firewall running on the 2008 nor on the Client (Windows Firewall disabled on both, no other firewall/virus)

Should i be able to telnet from a client?
Telnet servername:2305
Should it connect?

using Openedge Explorer management Console to start / configure the DB

From conmgr:

Gave the Server a new SID, took it out of the domain, rejoined,
now everything is ok. Don´t know why, but it works... pfff... 2 days for nothing :(

Thanks guys