Can't start AppServer or WebSpeed Broker is Username Password specified.


19+ years progress programming and still learning.
OS: Linux Centos 6.2
OE: 11.0
SP: none


I'm at a loss. I'm moving my development environment onto a new server (Centos 6.2 i368) and I can't start a WebSpeed or AppServer broker when I specify username & password in 'Owner Information' under the broker configuration.

It's works OK if I omit the values, but then all the OpenEdge processes will be running as the root user.

No broker or server log files are touched/created during the start up of the broker. The only information I can find is in the admserv.log.

[5/9/12 8:44:40 AM] [3] [OpenEdge]              /usr/dlc110/bin/jvmStart -d -w /cmi/dev/110/CMIReporter/ -u progress:*** -o stdout -e 1 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk- -classpath /usr/dlc110/jre/i18n.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk- -DInstall.Dir=/usr/dlc110 -DCanonicalName=local.localhost:ID=AppServer -t AS -i ASOnlineReporting-DEV -r rmi:// -f /usr/dlc110/properties/

[5/9/12 8:44:40 AM] [3] [OpenEdge]            * Exception executing jvmStart:
[5/9/12 8:44:40 AM] [3] [OpenEdge]            * java.lang.NullPointerException

[5/9/12 8:44:40 AM] [3] [AdminServer]         * UBRemoteObject.startSvcProcess() failure: Cannot start AppServer process: " +  UBroker.AS.ASOnlineReporting-DEV - process hasn''t exited (8162)

The only KB I can find is this one (but it's related to Windows and not Linux):



19+ years progress programming and still learning.
I've noticed I was using the incorrect Java JRE. I've changed it to use java jre1.6.0_22. But I still have the same error.

Rob Fitzpatrick Sponsor
Is the problem that the broker won't start, or that it starts but won't instantiate an agent?

Also, does the username in question exist in _User? If so, can you use those credentials to authenticate interactively in a character client?


19+ years progress programming and still learning.
There is no evidence that the broker is starting. No broker log files are being touched/created. The only errors I can find are within the admserv.log

I've checked and doubled checked the directory and file permissions and ownership.
Yes the user does exist on the OS and I've checked the password as well by logging via an ssh session.

I'm trying to remember if there Somthing about stick bits that need to be assigned to some executable....


New Member
Have you resolved this issue?
I am also facing the same issue. Please share the solution if resolves



19+ years progress programming and still learning.
I did get this fixed. it turns out to be two thing. First the user did not have the correct read-write permissions to the temporary directory (-T). The second was the Linux OS own Authentication configuration. In the later version of CentOS 6.2 it turned off using MD5 passwords. I just renabled it, resest the password so it was stored in a MD5 format. Thants my agents started up.

So from the command prompt enter: setup

Text Mode Setup Utility 1.19.9                      (c) 1999-2006 Red Hat, Inc.

                      ┌────────┤ Choose a Tool ├─────────┐
                      │                                  │
                      │  Authentication configuration    │
                      │  Firewall configuration          │
                      │  Network configuration           │
                      │  System services                 │
                      │                                  │
                      │      ┌──────────┐  ┌──────┐      │
                      │      │ Run Tool │  │ Quit │      │
                      │      └──────────┘  └──────┘      │
                      │                                  │
                      │                                  │

Choose Authentication Configuration , and select "Use MD5 Passwords". That's all I did. Hope it help you out.

    authconfig-tui - (c) 1999-2005 Red Hat, Inc.

      ┌────────────────┤ Authentication Configuration ├─────────────────┐
      │                                                                 │
      │  User Information         Authentication                        │
      │  [ ] Cache Information    [*] Use MD5 Passwords                 │
      │  [ ] Use LDAP             [*] Use Shadow Passwords              │
      │  [ ] Use NIS              [ ] Use LDAP Authentication           │
      │  [ ] Use IPAv2            [ ] Use Kerberos                      │
      │  [ ] Use Winbind          [*] Use Fingerprint reader            │
      │                           [ ] Use Winbind Authentication        │
      │                           [*] Local authorization is sufficient │
      │                                                                 │
      │            ┌────────┐                      ┌──────┐             │
      │            │ Cancel │                      │ Next │             │
      │            └────────┘                      └──────┘             │
      │                                                                 │
      │                                                                 │