Calling progress procedure remotelly

In this whole scenario 3 PC's will be involved.
PC1 (win32 machine) - where the OE tools like prowin32.exe, _progres.exe are located
PC2 (linux machine) - where the db engine, databases, and my *.p procedures are located
PC3 (win32 machine) - from this machine I need to invoke remotely a *.p procedure

First of all everything is OK when I am executing the following command line from PC1:
D:\oe100b\bin\_progres.exe -db \\PC2\db\dab -S 8500 -H PC2 -N TCP -p \\PC2\Proc\Proc1.p -U upass -P ppass -ini D:\dab.ini
but when I am trying to execute this command remotely from PC3 using winrs I have the following error:
winrs -u:domain\user -p:pass -r:PC1 D:\oe100b\bin\_progres.exe -db \\PC2\db\dab -S 8500 -H PC2 -N TCP -p \\PC2\Proc\Proc1.p -U upass -P ppass -ini D:\dab.ini
** "\\PC2\Proc\Proc1.p" was not found (293)
** Unable to run startup procedure \\PC2\Proc\Proc1.p (492)
Does PC3 know PC2?

Try replace the PC2 with the ip address.

PC3 know a PC2. PC3 need to know PC2 in order to be able invoke a remote command on it.
The problem is - why a FILE which is a parameter to the _progress executable can't be found.
I was already tried with IP addresses as well.
Under what credentials is the shell invoked by winrs called? Is it a 'full user' with network access, or is it a local system account with no network access?
Under what credentials is the shell invoked by winrs called? Is it a 'full user' with network access, or is it a local system account with no network access?

Do you mean a shell on PC3 or shell (process - _progres.exe) which is invoked on PC1? The user is a domain user with access to network.

I did some test and I found another strange thing:
If I will put a command:

D:\oe100b\bin\_progres.exe -db \\PC2\db\dab -S 8500 -H PC2 -N TCP -p \\PC2\Proc\Proc1.p -U upass -P ppass -ini D:\dab.ini
to the file named RunMe.bat on the PC (C:\TEMP\RunMe.bat) and invoke this batch using RS by:
winrs -u:domain\user -p:pass -r:PC1 C:\TEMP\RunMe.bat
then the error is exactly the same!

I don't know if it is changing anything but I forget to mentioned that I am using -b argument when running the _progress.exe from winrs.
You do not mention if simply running the command from PC3 works. That way we can get rid of all the speculation about winrs.
You do not mention if simply running the command from PC3 works. That way we can get rid of all the speculation about winrs.

It will not work from PC3 because there is no progress tolls installed on PC3.
It works from PC1 where progress tools are installed.
It will not work from PC3 because there is no progress tolls installed on PC3.
It works from PC1 where progress tools are installed.

Sorry, getting the PCs mixed up... I now have now got winrs setup and am calling a .cmd which simply starts a progress session which calls a .p which outputs a message to the current output.

c:\progress\oe10.2b\bin\_progres.exe -b -p c:\temp\winrs.p > c:\temp\winrs.log


And this does work fine when run locally and when run from winrs. But, when the -p is changed to a network share it still runs locally, but not thru winrs and it does report the current user as being myself.

So back one step further, lets cut Progress out of the picture. I adjusted winrs.cmd to:

type \\network\winrs.p > c:\temp\winrs.log

And winrs complains that 'Access is denied' - which is basically what Progress was also telling you (in a more subtle way).

So its time for you to google how you can let a winrs process access files from a network share... which could lead you to
You're the man!
Thank you very much.
Now I need to install a progress tools on different machine. Currently it is Windows Server 2003 which doesn't support CredSSP.
I found also some resolution based on the allowing a computer to be trusted for delegation for specific services. This one works only for domain users which is my case. Tomorrow I will try with the delegation.